The Importance of Teeth Whitening

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The Importance of Teeth Whitening

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to have a brighter smile. Whether you’re interested in receiving such treatment for personal or professional reasons, there are a few different ways that you can go about doing so – you can visit a dentist near you to have it done, or you can do it yourself in the comfort of your home.

To learn more about teeth whitening in Somerset, get in touch with our local dental practice when you can. We’ll be happy to address any inquiries you have about the process.

What is Teeth Whitening Exactly?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry treatment that helps remove discoloration, therefore illuminating your entire smile overall. It is a very simple, straightforward process that is minimally invasive and requires no surgical measures to do.

Throughout our lives, our teeth gradually become less and less bright. This is due to several different factors, including, but not limited to:

1. Genetics.
2. Aging.
3. Oral infection or decay.
4. Trauma or other illnesses.
5. Lifestyle habits – smoking and taking certain medications are the most common examples.
6. Eating foods and drinking liquids that leave behind stains. Curry, berries, soy and tomato sauce, beer, soda, coffee, tea, and red wine are all examples of this.

Nonetheless, it’s important to remember that our teeth aren’t naturally pearly white like they appear in the movies. Instead, they can range anywhere from being a dull shade of ivory to a yellow-grey color.

If you’re eager to obtain more details about teeth whitening and how it can enhance your smile, contact your dentist in Silverado. Not only will they be able to guide you through the treatment from beginning to end, but they’ll also tell you whether you’re a suitable candidate.

Professional vs DIY Whitening

Having your teeth bleached by a dentist is known as professional or in-office whitening. This treatment can be completed in just one sixty to ninety-minute appointment.

When you come in, your dentist will kick things off with a thorough evaluation of your mouth and take some x-rays of the internal structure of your teeth, gums, and bones. This allows them to better understand your current oral health situation. Your teeth will be cleaned of any plaque and tartar before the whitening agent is applied.

Hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide is the most frequently used bleaching agents. They’re administered in controlled doses so that no harm comes to your enamel or oral tissues. The solution is applied to your teeth, and a special UV light is used to officially activate the whitening process. After, it will be wiped off and reapplied.

This cycle will continue until the shade of white for your teeth is achieved.

Professional teeth whitening is certainly the most reliable option, and it lasts much longer too. But it can be rather expensive. So, if you’re interested in lighting up your smile but don’t want to spend too much money, there are safe at-home methods you can try.

The most well-known treatments are:

• Brushing with baking soda and toothpaste.
• Using whitening strips, toothpaste, or mouthwash.
• Rub lemon peels over your teeth.
• Take-home trays. More and more dental clinics are providing these. They come with a predetermined amount of bleach and plastic trays for your upper and lower teeth.
• Brushing and flossing on a regular basis.

The Benefits of Teeth Whitening

On the surface, people may think that in the grand scheme of things, teeth whitening isn’t that important, but that’s not true. There are many advantages to improving your smile, with the primary ones being:

• It’s customizable. However you want to go about doing this, there is a way out there that works best for you.
• Often, a brighter smile means a healthier smile. And a healthier smile helps boost your overall bodily health too.
• You’ll make a great first impression. Studies have shown that we are more drawn to people with pretty smiles, not to mention thinking they look more approachable too.
• It’ll boost our self-esteem. Good mental health is just as vital as good oral health, after all.

Are you searching for teeth whitening near you? At Silverado Dental Wellness, our team is here to help you fall in love with your smile all over again! Visit our website, call, or stop by our dental clinic to schedule a consultation when you can! We look forward to working alongside you soon!